What is the nbntm Fibre Connect Program?
Eligible FTTN and FTTC users in Australia are currently being offered an upgrade to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) with a $0 install.
FTTP offers superior reliability and higher speed options. Moving up from Copper to Fibre improves internet performance, the option to order higher nbntm speed tiers, and increases value to your property.
nbntm is continuously rolling out additional suburbs. Be sure to check your availability often!
Fibre Connect FAQ
The installation of the new FTTP service is $0. However, there is an important term to be aware of: You must remain on or above the minimum speed tier of 100/20 for at least 12 months.
If you cancel the new FTTP service or reduce the plan below the minimum plans listed above, a $180 early exit fee will apply.
OntheNet customers can log into their toolbox and if eligible, will be able to place an order.
OntheNet will email customers when the FTTP upgrade is available.
Yes absolutely! Here’s how:
- Check your address on our web site to confirm availability and plans offered.
- Place an order on the OntheNet website to transfer your nbntm service to OntheNet.
- Once your FTTN or FTTC service has been transferred to OntheNet, you can then place an order via your toolbox for your FTTP upgrade with $0 install!
- OntheNet will make an appointment with you for nbntm to visit your premises to determine where they will run the new Fibre line and place the new Connection Box.
- nbntm will install the Fibre and Connection Box over the following days/weeks.
- OntheNet will let you know when nbntm have finished and can help make some minor changes to your modem to cut you over to your shiny new FTTP service!
Please note: Your previous FTTN or FTTC service will remain active and billed until you advise OntheNet to cancel it.
The nbntm contractor performing the install will advise what they include, this is usually installing the FTTP and Network Connection Box into your garage or a room nearest the street. You can install/connect your hardware at this location and incur no further cost. You will need a power point at this location.
A small number of customers want the new service endpoint located beyond what nbntm include:
- Option 1 is to have nbntm complete the install as above and then have an Ethernet cable run to the desired end point by a third party cabler at a relatively low cost.
- Option 2 is to pay a higher cost for a third party cabler to perform preliminary works so the Fibre and Network Connection Box can be installed at the customers desired endpoint, with nbntm completing the fibre install at no further cost.
Another alternative for residential customers is to connect wirelessly via Mesh Wifi devices to where the nbntm Connection Box is installed. This is likely to provide best coverage across the home at relatively low cost.
Yes. Many customers use family, friends or IT suppliers to help complete this cutover task which can take days to organise and complete.
OntheNet won’t cancel your old service until you advise cutover is complete. We don’t want to cut you off prematurely!
Please email accounts@onthenet.com.au to confirm cutover is complete and you are using the new FTTP service.
More Questions?
Email us via sales@onthenet.com.au
Call us on (07) 5553 9222
or try our Live Chat below.
To learn more about the FTTP Fibre Connect Program, please download the nbntm Fact Sheet below.