Don’t waste money paying for calls you never make. Spend as little as $20/year!
- twelve months to use your prepaid credit,
- very competitive call rates, charged per second
- flexible top up system to control your spend.

Heavy users can top up manually when required or increase the auto top up amount via the online toolbox. If you don’t make a lot of calls you can turn off the auto top up and manually top up your credit when it suits you. It couldn’t be more simple or flexible!
A minimum top up of $20 every 12 months is required to maintain the service. There’s no contract term – cancel anytime!
Call Type | Rate |
Between OntheNet VoIP Users | Free | |
Local / National | 10c per call | |
Mobile | 15c/min | |
13 / 1300 | 21c per call | |
1800 | Free | |
International | Canada (1) | $0.07/min |
China (86) | $0.02/min | |
New Zealand (64) | $0.02/min | |
United Kingdom (44) | $0.06/min | |
United States (1) | $0.02/min | |
Other international rates | from 1c/min |
No flagfall. All timed calls will be charged in per second increments.
Please contact OntheNet to verify rates for any call types not listed here.
Special Services
Service | Prefix | Rate |
Universal International Freephone | 0011 800 | Free |
National Directory Assistance | 1223 | $0.88 per call |
International Directory Assistance | 1225 | |
Dial Before You Dig | 1100 | |
Time | 1194 | |
Weather | 1196 | |
Assisted Directory Search | 1234 | |
Directory Assistance with Call Connect | 12455 | |
Wake Up | 12454 | |
Reverse Charge | 12550 |
No flagfall. Please contact OntheNet to verify rates for any call types not listed here.
A phone number (also known as a Direct In-Dial (DID) number) is required to be able to receive calls.
If you have an existing number you may be able to port it to OntheNet. Additional fees apply for porting and for the ongoing supply of the ported number. You must have an active VoIP service with OntheNet before porting can be actioned. Please contact our Sales Team for more information.
Alternatively, OntheNet can provide you with a new number for FREE from a capital city region of your choice. You can choose to have a local number or an Out of Area Number. The region you choose will determine what it costs others to call you. Please note, if you choose an Out of Area Number you may not be able to port it away from OntheNet if you decide to change providers in the future.
Most home users will already have a Broadband modem and analogue telephone handset which can be used with VoIP if an extra device is added, known as an “Analogue Telephone Adaptor” or ATA. See diagram 1.
- TP-Link VX230v WiFi VoIP modem $129 – more details.
Most OntheNet modems include VoIP functionality and will come preconfigured if a VoIP service is ordered before the modem is shipped.
Alternatively, you can replace your current broadband modem with one that also supports VoIP, see diagram 2. If you would like assistance with selecting and configuring a VoIP modem, please contact us.
Diagram 1: Common setup with an ATA
Diagram 2: Common setup with a modem that supports VoIP
Critical Information Summary and Order Form
Existing customers can order VoIP via the OntheNet Toolbox. If you are a new customer please complete the order form. If you have any questions please contact us.
Critical Information Summary
Order Form
Porting Authority Form